Ranches Primary School Fees

Our Fees

Below you will find the base fees for a single child attending RPS. Many of our families enrol more than one child in the school and, to support those families, we offer sibling discounts up to 10%. We also offer a Referral Reward Programme that can be used to reduce fees for both current families and the new families they refer.


Application Fee: 500 AED (525 AED incl. VAT) one-off, non-refundable payment.

Amounts in AED

Year Group Annual Tuition Fee Registration Fee
Term 1
(40%-10% Registration Fee)
Term 2
Term 3
FS149,278 4,928 14,784 14,783 14,783
FS249,278 4,928 14,784 14,783 14,783
Year 1 60,228 6,023 18,069 18,068 18,068
Year 2 60,228 6,023 18,069 18,068 18,068
Year 360,228 6,023 18,069 18,068 18,068
Year 460,228 6,023 18,069 18,068 18,068
Year 560,228 6,023 18,069 18,068 18,068
Year 660,228 6,023 18,069 18,068 18,068
- Fees are payable over 3 terms according to the following schedule: 1st term - 40%, 2nd term - 30%, 3rd term - 30%.
- Enrolment fees: In accordance with KHDA terms, a 10% non-refundable enrolment fee is payable prior to the start of the 1st term of enrolment, and is deducted from the 1st term fees.
- Sibling discount of 5% is applicable for the second & third child and 10% for the fourth child onwards. Terms and Conditions apply.


Amounts in AED

Year Group Annual Tuition FeeRe-registration Fee
Term 1
(40%-5% Re-registration Fee)
Term 2
Term 3
FS149,278 2,40117,311 14,783 14,783
FS249,278 2,40117,311 14,783 14,783
Year 1 60,228 2,937 21,155 18,068 18,068
Year 2 60,228 2,937 21,155 18,068 18,068
Year 360,228 2,937 21,155 18,068 18,068
Year 460,228 2,937 21,155 18,068 18,068
Year 560,228 2,937 21,155 18,068 18,068
Year 660,228 2,937 21,155 18,068 18,068
- Fees are payable over 3 terms according to the following schedule: 1st term - 40%, 2nd term - 30%, 3rd term - 30%.
- Re-enrolment fees: In accordance with KHDA terms, a 5% non-refundable enrolment fee is payable prior to the start of the 1st term of enrolment, and is deducted from the 1st term fees.
- Sibling discount of 5% is applicable for the second & third child and 10% for the fourth child onwards. Terms and Conditions apply.


Application Fee: 500 AED (525 AED incl. VAT) one-off, non-refundable payment.

Medical Fee: 500 AED one-off, non-refundable payment.

Amounts in AED

Days Attending Annual Tuition Fee Registration Fee
Term 1
(40%-10% Registration Fee)
Term 2
Term 3
3 Days 31,000 3,100
(+500 AED Medical Fee)
9,300 9,300 9,300
5 Days 45,000 4,500
(+500 AED Medical Fee)
13,500 13,500 13,500
- Sibling discount of 5% is applicable for the second & third child and 10% for the fourth child onwards, based on enrolment 5 days a week. Terms and Conditions apply.

Sibling Discounts

Families enrolling more than one child in RPS and Ranches Nursery may benefit from a sibling discount as follows:

  • The second and third child enrolled: 5% off annual fees for each child.

  • The fourth child onwards: 10% off annual fees for each child.

Please note that, for children enrolled in nursery, the discount only applies for children enrolled for 5 days a week. Additional Terms and Conditions apply.

Payment and Registration and Re-registration fees

  • Registration and re-registration fee to be paid before the beginning of each academic year.

  • This payment is offset against the first term’s fees.

  • Registration and re-registration fee paid cannot be deferred or carried forward to next term.

  • Registration for subsequent terms will be based on receipt of full terms’ payment.

  • Registration and re-registration fees are non-refundable.

Additional Annual Costs

There may be additional costs through the year in addition to Annual Tuition Fees. To help with planning, we have compiled a list of typical additional costs through the year.

  • School uniform including team kits and other necessary sporting attire or auxiliary items.

  • Educational and field trips that may be organised from time to time may incur additional costs which will be intimated on a case-by-case basis. Fees payable for such trips will be payable separately to all other fees.

  • Voluntary excursions or sports tournaments in which costs are incurred.

  • External examinations.

  • In-school meals.

  • Transportation to and from school.

  • Some Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs)offered by our partners are paid for. These are all voluntary and we provide a comprehensive programme of free, teacher facilitated ECAs.

  • Other activities for which costs accrue to the school.

  • Year 3 and upwards, an iPad to support the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programme.

  • Insurance – it is suggested that parents maintain health, accident, and liability cover for their children.

  • Some of the above items are available from independent suppliers and subject to their terms and conditions for refund.

We love a dress-up day at RPS and our pupils look forward to these with great excitement. But we understand that dressing up can be expensive, particularly in the UAE. Please remember that these days are intended to be fun for the children and are not a competition. We aim to set themes that require a little bit of imagination rather than significant financial investment in a full outfit. Please do not feel that you need to invest any more time or money than your circumstances allow and use the opportunity to be creative and imaginative with your children.

KHDA School Fees Fact Sheets

The School Fees Fact Sheet is a one-page reference published by the KHDA that includes all mandatory and optional fees that a school may charge during an academic year. It is designed to promote transparency and give parents thorough and reliable information about their children’s school fees.

Ranches Primary School

Enquiries :+971 (0)4 442 9765